Thu Jan 16 2025

2 Corinthians 02

V1-2 Had Paul visited Corinth before? Was Paul always a a welcome visitor? Did he always enjoy his visits to Corinth?

See Acts 18:1-11.  Was his “grief” because of the riot that involved him? (About AD 51-52?). Someone else was grieved, made sorry - who? Maybe see in the following…

What reason did he give for not returning before? See 2 Corinthians 1:23, 7:8.

V3-4 How had he been in touch? But where is that letter? Is it 1 Corinthians? Did he mean to upset them? Was he upset by the Corinthians?

What was he hoping for when he wrote to them previously and how could they avoid further distress? Who could have caused distress and how could they have caused him to rejoice?

Why had he written, not visited? Was he disappointed in the Corinthian Christians?

A significant problem was mentioned in 1 Corinthians 5:1 Would that cause grief? Would that have led to Paul’s comments here?

Where I have known that there existed a measure of disaffection to myself, I have not recognised it, unless it has been forced upon me, but have, on the contrary, acted towards the opposing person with all the more courtesy and friendliness, and I have never heard any more of the matter. If I had treated the good man as an opponent, he would have done his best to take the part assigned him, and carry it out to his own credit.” (Spurgeon)

V5-7 Have you ever known the majority of a church “punish” a man who had offended and caused grief? Who had he hurt? Does it appear he had repented? How should he be treated now? What risk was Paul aware of? See V7. See 2 Corinthians 7:11

V8-11 What tests did Paul put them to? See V8 and see V9.

Had the man offended Paul? Did he forgive him? See V10. 

Why had Paul forgiven the offender? See V10 and See V11.

Outwit, take advantage of: cheating someone. Paul was not unaware of Satan - are we? Are Christians? See 1 Peter 5:8. Ephesians 6:11-12.

the artful schemes and tricks of which believers ought to be aware, and will be if they allow the Spirit of God to rule in them.” (Calvin)

V12-13 What circumstances diverted him? How did he feel about this? Did Paul regard himself as a “one man show”? See 2 Corinthians 7:5-6.

What did he mean by “a door was opened to me by the Lord”? See Acts 16:9-10. Paul in Troas See Acts 20:4-12. Have you had any experiences of this? See Colossians 4:3.

In 2 Corinthians 2:13, Paul mentions his departure for Macedonia. In 2 Corinthians 7:5, he writes about his arrival in Macedonia. 

V14 In between – from 2 Corinthians 2:14 through 7:4 – is sometimes called “the great digression.” In this extended section, Paul describes and defends his ministry as an apostle.

What was Paul’s centre of attention? Are we always captives in Christ? Are we in a triumphal procession? Is Christ using you to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere? What does that mean? Who is the leader? See Ephesians 5:2. Romans 8:37.

V15-16 Is the gospel welcomed? Why does it attract some people and repel others? See John 3:17-21. 1 Corinthians 1:18. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4. 1 Corinthians 1:23.

See John 3:3-8. Ephesians 2:1-5. Romans 8:14-16.

What is your aroma like?  Can you do anything about it? Are you up to it? Who is “sufficient for these things”?

V17 See Romans 10:14-15. Mark 16:15. 

What example did  Paul set?


1 Corinthians 5

What was the problem? How bad was it? 

How did the Corinthians react? See V2, 6. Are there modern examples?

How should they have reacted? See V2, 7  Is this harsh? What has this to do with Jesus sacrifice?

Could there be modern examples or is it too hard?

What was Paul’s reaction and suggestion? What was his hope? See V3, 4-5

What does V11 teach?

How should Christians relate to non-Christians who do not live to Bible standards? See V9, 10, 12.  Also Romans 1:

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