Wed Aug 14 2024

John 18

John 18

Judas Iscariot.

Possibly from southern Judea. Iskariotes means man of Kerioth in Palestine.

Son of Simon: John 6:71.

First mentioned in Matthew 10:1-4, Mark 3:19 as an apostle. The only one from Judea, the rest from Galilee.

He was the treasurer for the disciples. He was a thief and hypocrite. John 12:4-8, 13:29.

He led the objections to Mary anointing Jesus. John 12:4 and Matthew 26:6-9 then 14-16.

This betrayal was predicted. John 6:70-71, 13:2, 18, 21, 26-31. Mark 14:17-21.

Judas had been motivated by the devil. Luke 22:3. John 13:27.

Judas was paid for the betrayal. Matthew 26:14-16. See Zechariah 11:12-13.

The betrayal. John 18:1-5. Matthew 26:47-49.

Judas demise. Matthew 27:3-10. Acts 1:18.20.

Matthias was elected to replace him as an apostle. Acts 1:20-26.


Verses 1-9

After the prayer - chapter 17 - he crossed Kidron Valley - between Jerusalem and Mount of Olives. Was he hiding?

Did the soldiers and officials have trouble finding him? Was Judas having second thoughts?

Why had they been there before? See Mark 14:32. Luke 22:39.

Were the soldiers expecting trouble? Did Jesus give them any trouble?

Why did Jesus ask the question in V 4?

Is there significance in the way Jesus identified himself in V5?

Why did they draw back and fall to the ground in V6? Because of his reply in V5, repeated in V7-8?

Why did he ask again in V7?

What did Jesus want in V8-9. Did they do what he told them?

Verses 10-14.

V10 - swords. Two of them sometimes! See Luke 22:38.

Who struck whom? See Mark 14:47. Matthew 26:51-54. Luke 22:49-51.

What was Jesus reaction to this violence? V11. Luke 22:51.

Why did he react this way?

Did they need to bind him?

Where was he taken?

What was Caiaphas reasoning? V14. See John 11:49-52.

 Verses 15-18

V15-16. What did Peter do next? See Luke 22:54. Matthew 26:58-68.

How did “the other disciple” use his connections- whatever they were? V16.

Peter’s first denial V17. How would you have coped? Was Peter being rash?

This has been contrasted with John 13:36-38. Matthew 26:33. What have you promised to Jesus?


Verses 19-24.

Why did they ask him about his disciples? V19. What did he tell them?

They asked about his teaching (V19). How did he answer them? V20-21.

Did they “ask those who heard me”? See Matthew 26:59-68. Acts 6:11-13. John 2:19-21.

Instead of asking witnesses they wanted Jesus to answer. Why? See V23.

Did Jesus deserve to be slapped? V22. See also Acts 23:2-5. Matthew 5:39.

Did they “pass the buck” in V24?

Verses 25-27

Peter fails the test twice more.  See verses 25-27.

Did Peter get upset? See Matthew 26:71-75. Were his denials any use?

See V27. How would he have felt remembering John 13:38 and Mark 14:37-38, 71-72.?


V28. “Putrid hypocrisy! they stand upon legal defilements, and care not to defile their consciences with innocent blood. What is this, but to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel?” (Trapp) Do you agree?

V29-30. Did they answer Pilate’s question? Did Pilate really want an answer? See V31. See V30.

What did the Jewish leaders really want and what was their problem? See V31b.

How was God in charge of proceedings? V32. See John 3:14. See Acts 2:22-24.

Did Pilate want to keep this matter at arm’s length? V33. See V3.

Why did Pilate ask if he was king of the jews? See John 12:13. Luke 19:38-40. See V34.

Why did Jesus deflect the question? V34. How might Pilate react to a straight “yes”? 

How do you explain what Jesus said in V36? See Colossians 1:12-14. Romans 14:17. Acts 1:6-7.  John 15:19. Luke 23:25.

Truth is essential to Jesus. See V37. Pilate’s retort — was that to avoid facing the truth? Is it a contemporary response, too?V39. See Mark 15:6-14. 

Why were the Jews really angry with Jesus?

What was Pilate’s judgement? V38. See John 19:4-6.

What was Pilate’s compromise offer? V40. See Acts 3:13-14.

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