Sat Aug 10 2024

John 16



Verses 1-4

What’s the warning? Who is it to?

Why did Jesus warn them? See 1 Corinthians 1:23

What did he warn them of?

Did it come true? See Acts 8:1-3. Acts 22:3-4. Acts 26:9-11, 19-23. Romans 10:2-3.

See 2 Corinthians 4:4. John 8:23, 44

See  Where does such persecution come from?

Verses 5-11

If it was difficult for them to understand what was about to happen it must have been even more difficult to understand that it was to their advantage that…

Jesus is arrested

Jesus’ ministry of teaching and miracles is stopped

Jesus is beaten

Jesus is mocked

Jesus is sentenced for execution

Jesus is nailed to a cross

Jesus dies in the company of notorious criminals

His lifeless body is laid in a cold grave

Where was he going? See John 13:36, 14:5.

Why were they filled with grief? Was there more grief to come? See John 20:11-15.

What was the advantage of Jesus leaving them?

What would the Holy Spirit do? 

Verse 8. See Acts 2:37. Zechariah 12:10. See Jude 1:4, 12-15.

Verse 9. Does this define sin? See John 8:23-24, 15:22-25. Mark16:16.

Verse 10. See 1 Peter 3:18. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Romans 5:17-21.

Verse11. See Acts 17:31. 2 Corinthians 5:10. Hebrews 9:27-28.

Do we have an advantage now Jesus is not here in the flesh?

Verses 12-15

How was verse 13 fulfilled? Is it still happening? See 1 Corinthians 2:10-13. 2 Timothy 3:15-16. 2 Peter 1:21.

How reliable is the Holy Spirit? See verse 13-15. 1 Corinthians 3:14-18.

How would you assess something claimed to be given by the Holy Spirit?

What is “all the truth” the Holy Spirit guides you into? See John 14:6.


Verses 16-18

Was it reasonable for the disciples to be perplexed?  (V17)

What did he mean by see me no more then will see me? (V16)

How long was the “little while”? (V17)

See John 12:16, 14:5.

Verses 19-28

How did Jesus show he understood their confusion? (V19)

Do you think they understood his words in V20-22? 

How did V20 and V22 come true? See John 19:18, 20:9, 20:20.

How did V23a come true? 

How do we practice V23b-24? See John 15:7. Matthew 7:7. James 4:2-3.

How has our relationship with God changed? See V25.

To whom do we pray when we pray in Jesus name? Does Christ intercede for us? See V26. Hebrews 4:14-17.

Why would God answer our prayers? See V27. Why does he do this?

Does God love everyone? Does God answer anyone’s prayers?

How does V28 explain V16? Does this verse tell us about the divinity of Christ; the Trinity?

Verses 29-33

Do you think the disciples had got it all worked out yet? V29. See John 16:25.

What had they come to understand? V30. The Pharisees never worked this out so why did the disciples? 

If Jesus asks us the question in V31 why should we be wary? See V32. John 13:38. Matthew 26:31.

“When he did not need their friendship, they were his very good friends. When they could do nothing for him if they tried, they were his faithful followers. But the pinch has come; now might they watch with him one hour, now might they go with him amid the rabble throng, and interpose at least the vote of the minority against the masses; but they are gone.” (Spurgeon)

“I remember that passage about Abraham going with Isaac to mount Moriah, where Isaac was to be offered up. It is written, ‘So they went both of them together.’ So did the Eternal Father and his Well- beloved Son when God was about to give up his own Son to death. There was no divided purpose; they went both of them together.” (Spurgeon)

Jesus left the disciples - and us - in his bodily form. What does he leave with us? V33. See John 14:27. 2 Thessalonians 3:16. Philippians 4:7.

What reason does Jesus give why we should have peace? How did he achieve this?

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