Sun Aug 4 2024

John 15

John 15


See verses 1-3

How was the vine used as a symbol?

  • In a positive way Psalm 80:8-9.
  • In disappointment Isaiah 5:1-2,7. Jeremiah 2:21.
  • About failure Matthew 21:33-44.

How did Jesus apply the idea of a vine to himself? (V1)

How did he apply it to us? (V5)

What is the vine to God? (1-2)

What’s the chance of us being cut off from the vine? (V2-3)

  • What’s the benefit of this pruning? (V2)
  • See John 13:10. 

See verses 4-5

What is the mutual aspect of these verses?

Compare Verse 4 to John14:10-11

Is this the fruit of Galatians 5:22-25?

What does this say about lone Christians? (See V2, V6)

See Ephesians 5:26-27. How does this relate to verses 3-5?

How would you say it? Translators attempts: Remain. Stay united. Abide. Live in me, make your home in me. 

See verses 6-8

What if you don’t remain in Jesus? (V6) See Galatians 2:20 compared with Philippians 4:13. 

What does it mean to you in practice to abide in Jesus? Does Verse 7 help here?

Does verse 7 tell us how to get prayer answered?

“It becomes safe for God to say to the sanctified soul, ‘Ask what thou wilt, and it shall be done unto thee.’ The heavenly instincts of that man lead him right; the grace that is within his soul thrusts down all covetous lustings and foul desires, and his will is the actual shadow of God’s will. The spiritual life is master in him, and so his aspirations are holy, heavenly, Godlike.” (Spurgeon)

How is it mutually advantageous? See V8.

Can you be a fruitless Christian? See V8. Can you abide in Jesus and be fruitless? What does V6 say to this?

See verses 9-11

Jesus loves you!  How much? See V9. John 14:15. 1 John 5:3. John 13:34.

What is necessary if we are to abide in his love? What is the link between love and obedience? What example do we have? (V10)

How important are Jesus words? (V11) 

What is joy? See John 17:13. Romans 15:13. 1 Peter 1:8. John 16:33. Philippians 4:7.

See verses 12-15

How does verse 12 flow on from verse 9-10?

Is V13 suitable for ANZAC Day? See John 10:11. Romans 5:6-8

Who did Jesus die for? (V13-14) Who are Jesus friends?

“It must be active obedience, notice that. ‘Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.’ Some think it is quite sufficient if they avoid what he forbids. Abstinence from evil is a great part of righteousness, but it is not enough for friendship.” (Spurgeon)

Are you a slave or servant to Jesus? See V14-15. What has changed?


See verse 16-17

See John 6:70. John 13:18. Whom did Jesus choose? Did they choose him?

What was his purpose in choosing them?

Do these verses apply to us?

See verses 18-27

How do you feel about verse 18? See also John 7:7. 1 John 3:13. Luke 6:22.

“It is an odd fact that the world soon justified its hostility to them by imputing to them the initiative in hatred.”

“It is not without significance that the disciples are to be known by their love, the world by its hatred.” 

Did the prophecy of verse 19 come true? Can you explain such behaviour? See John 17:14-16. 

Did verse 20 come true?

Hatred is not directed at Christians only. Why?

How are Jesus words regarded nowadays? How is your testimony regarded? Do people believe you?

Why does this persecution happen? Verse 20-21.

Would non-Christians, the world, have been better off if Jesus had not spoken to us? V22. See John 9:39-41.  Romans 1:18-22. Acts 17:30-31.

Can you believe in God and not Jesus? V23. John 14:6-7, 9. John 6:29.

What did Jesus do to deserve hatred? V24-25.

What advantage do we have to love Jesus? V26. See John 14:16-17, 26.

Where does that leave us? V27.  See 1 John 4:14. Acts 1:8.

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