Wed Aug 31 2022

Romans 08

Romans 8 study



              Therefore… previously: salvation by faith alone

              “           …  See Romans 7:24

              Therefore – what? And for whom?

V2:        And why?  (note not ‘you’ but ‘me’. Significant?

              Put V2 in your own words.  What is the contrast?


V3:        And how?

              Christ came in the flesh but NOT sinful flesh

              We are a spoiled image of God, Jesus wasn’t.

              Jesus had no sinful nature, he was filled with the Spirit

              Isaiah 11:2

              Luke 4:1,14

              2 Corinthians 5:21

              1 Peter 2:22-24; 3:8

              Philippians 2:5-8

              John 1:14


V3b:      No condemnation YET condemnation


V4:        What if we don’t keep the law?



Compare minds set on the flesh/Spirit

Romans 12:2.  How do we do this?

Compare the end products V5a/b; V6a/b; V7a/b; V8!


V9-11: Where do you live?  OK with this?

              V9b: who is this?

              V10: how does this work in practice?

              Galatians 2:20

              Colossians 3:3-4

              John 17:23

              2 Corinthians 4:11

              Do you want to be dead?


V11:      What power is in you?

              2 Timothy 1:7

              2 Corinthians 1:22

              Ephesians 1:13

              Ephesians 1:19-20

              Do we call on it?


V12-17: Therefore… see what went before

              See what comes next -> V12, an OBLIGATION

              To do what?  Or else what? (V13)


V14:      What’s your status!?  Galatians 4:1-7

              Co-heirs with Christ.

              What is Christ’s inheritance? 

              What is yours? Both ultimately and now?


V18:      means what?

              2 Corinthians 4:17-18

              Acts 20:24

              2 Timothy 4:6-8

              2 Corinthians 5:6



V19-21: What’s wrong with creation?

              Why?  Genesis 3:23-24

              How does it show?

              Who made it that way? Is it forever?

              Does Revelation tell us anything relevant?

              Revelation 21:2

              2 Peter 3:13

V22-23: What does “groaning” mean to you?

              2 Corinthians 5:2-5

              Dictionary: dismay; silence; deep; inarticulate; pain; prayer

V24-27: What hope is there? What does “hope” mean?

              Hebrews 11:1

V25-27: How do we cope with being patient?

              Are there times when you “don’t know what to pray for”?

              What does it mean when the Spirit prays for you?

              What’s the benefit of the Spirit praying for you?

              Ephesians 6:18

              John 14:16



V28:      Is this a platitude?

              Is it reassuring?

              Is it conditional?

              Does it only apply when bad things happen?

              What is the promise here?

              Romans 5:3-5

              1 Peter 4:12-14

V29:      “predestined”, a contentious idea.

              Jesus: 1 Peter 1:20

              Jeremiah: Jeremiah 1:5

              Us: Psalm 139:13; Ephesians 1:11; 2:4-5



V31-32: What’s the provision for our future?

V33-36: Who could possibly condemn us?

              Who answers if we are accused?

              Revelation 12:10-11

V35-39: Does this rule out even yourself?

              What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror”?

              1 Corinthians 15:57

              2 Corinthians 2:14

              1 John 5:4-5

              Jude 1:24


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