Thu May 23 2024

John 10

John 10

  • To whom is Jesus speaking? (V1.  How emphatic is he?
  • Who is the “thief and a robber” (John 10:1) in this analogy? Are there current examples?
  • Who are the “shepherd” and the “sheep” (John 10:2)? 
  • Who is the “doorkeeper” (John 10:3)? What is the significance of the “door”? (See John 14:6. Luke 13:24) Who does the gatekeeper open the door for?
  • How much of the depiction above is figurative and how much of it is literal?
  • Does the shepherd go before or after his sheep? What does that express?
  • How will his sheep react when “strangers” (John 10:5) try to lead them? 
  • Do we hear the voice of Jesus and follow him?  How do you “hear his voice”?
  • What problem did the Pharisees have? (See John 10:6). What was Jesus' message to the unbelieving Pharisees?
  • Are Jesus' statements, “I am the door of the sheep” in John 10:7 and “I am the door” in John 10:9 figurative or literal? Do you understand what the Pharisees did not?
  • What other door(s) must we pass through besides Jesus?
  • What do cults and sects tend to claim?
  • Who are “all” of the “thieves and robbers” who came but whom Jesus' sheep “did not hear” (John 10:8)? Is it significant that Jesus says they are not were thieves and robbers? If Jesus’ sheep did not hear them, who did/does?
  • What do the sheep have to do to “be saved” (John 10:9)?
  • What do the sheep do in the “pasture” (John 10:9)? Where is your “pasture” and what do you do when you are there?.
  • What are we supposed to feed on? (See John 6:48)
  • What does it mean to “come in and go out”? Why do it? (See John 10:9. John 8:32)
  • What do you understand it is to have life to the full/fullest/abundance/abundantly/better than they ever dreamed of? (John 10:10)
  • What did the “good shepherd” - Jesus - do for his “sheep” (John 10:11)
  • What is a "hireling" (John 10:12)? What does a hireling care about?
  • Why does the hireling leave the sheep and flee when he "sees the wolf coming" (John 10:12)? Can you give an example of a “wolf” from Jesus time and now?
  • Should Jesus' words have rung a bell to the Pharisees, who knew the Old Testament? (See Ezekiel 34:1-10)
  • Against whom is Jesus, "the good shepherd" (John 10:14), contrasting Himself? (See Psalms 23) Where is his “flock” now? Compare “Flock” and “fold”.
  • What does Jesus mean by "I know My sheep" (John 10:14), that He is "known by" (John 10:14) His sheep, that God "the Father knows" (John 10:15) Him, and that He "knows the Father" (Acts 10:15)?
  • How did Jesus express His love for His sheep?
  • Did Jesus walk His talk?
  • What does Jesus mean by “other sheep... which are not of this fold” who will also "hear My voice" (John 10:16)? (See Ephesians 2:13-17. Gentiles. Ephesians 4:4-6) What is the “one flock”? Where is it now?
  • Who took Jesus' life on the cross - the Jews or the Romans? (See Acts 2:22-24)
  • What power does Jesus have? (See John 10:18)
  • What caused the "division" (John 10:18-19) among the Jews? (See John 10:19b. John 8:48) What are the two points of view?
  • What is the "Feast of Dedication" (John 10:22)? (This feast, also known as Hanukkah, celebrated the cleansing and re-dedication of the temple after three years of desecration by Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria in 164 or 165 B.C.)
  • What is the present name of the Feast of Dedication, held in December?
  • How long after the Feast of Tabernacles was the Feast of Dedication?
  • What is "Solomon's Porch" (John 10:23)? (Colonnade or portico on east side of outer court of Herod’s temple)
  • Did Jesus keep the Jews in doubt about His identity and not speak plainly?
  • Then what are they trying to do push him towards with their question. "If you are the Christ, tell us plainly" (John 10:24)? 
  • Why? And why did they "surround Him" (John 10:24)? Why push their question about the messiah?
  • Why didn’t the Jews believe him? (John 10:25-26)
  • John 10:25 - Had he told them he was the Messiah? See last page of notes.
  • Based on John 10:28-29, once you become Christian, who can "snatch" you away from Jesus? Who is holding onto you?(See Romans 8:35-39. 2 Corinthians 1:22. Ephesians 1:14)
  • What about the "Christians" who say, “Since we can't be snatched away, let's do whatever we want?” (See Romans 6:1. 1 Peter 2:16. Romans 2:4. Jude 1:4)
  • What charge are the Jews bringing against Jesus that merits picking up "stones again to stone Him" (John 10:30-31,33)?
  • What are they referring to?
  • Then are the Jews' charge against Him justified?
  • Who are the “gods” referred to in John 10:34-35? (See Psalms 82) See last page.
  • What’s the relationship between God and “gods” and between God and Jesus and between Jesus and “gods”? What impression do the “gods” of Psalm 82 give you? Who is in charge?
  • What is Jesus referring to in the passage above?
  • What is Jesus saying in John 10:37-38?
  • How do you think Jesus “went forth out of their hand” in John 10:39? 
  • Can you explain how Jesus is both God and man? Can you explain the doctrine of the Trinity?
      • I told you, I am the one who came from heaven (John 3:13, 6:38).
      • I told you, whoever believes on Me has eternal life (John 3:15).
      • I told you, I am the unique Son of God (John 5:19-23).
      • I told you, I will judge all humanity (John 5:19-23).
      • I told you, all should honour Me just as the honour God the Father (John 5:19-23).
      • I told you, the Hebrew Scriptures all speak of Me (John 5:39).
      • I told you, I perfectly reveal God the Father (John 7:28-29).
      • I told you, I always please God and never sin (John 8:29, 8:46).
      • I told you, I am uniquely sent from God (John 8:42).
      • I told you, before Abraham was, I Am (John 8:58).
      • I told you, I am the Son of Man, prophesied by Daniel (John 9:37).
      • I told you, I will raise Myself from the dead (John 10:17-18).
      • I told you, I am the Bread of Life (John 6:48).
      • I told you, I am the Light of the World (John 8:12).
      • I told you, I am the Door (John 10:9).
      • I told you, I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11).

The Hebrew word translated “gods” in Psalm 82:6 is elohim. The term elohim is most frequently used to refer to the one true God, but it does have other uses. Yahweh is referred to as the Elohim above all elohim (Psalm 95:3). Other uses of the term elohim include spiritual beings such as angels (Job 2:1; 38:7); demons, idols, and gods of foreign nations (Genesis 35:4; Deuteronomy 32:17; 1 Kings 11:33); and the disembodied dead (1 Samuel 28:13). The Hebrew word elohim is also translated “judges” in Exodus 21:6 and 22:8, 9, and 28. Whom, then, does God call “gods” in Psalm 82:6? There are two main views:
1)The “gods” are supernatural beings who rule under God.
2) The “gods” of Psalm 82 are human magistrates, judges, and rulers who have been granted authority in the earth.

1663 Modified: 23-05-2024
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