Mon Feb 12 2024

John 04


So far, 

John 1:1-5

“In the beginning…” prologue

John 1:9-13

Jesus the unrecognised, rejected divine light

John 1:6—8, 15-34

John the Baptist introduced, testifies “Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”.

John 1:26ff

Jesus had been in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was baptising

John 1:37ff

He had gathered disciples — 2 of them John’s: Andrew, Simon Peter then Nathanael

John 2:1ff 

He had been to a Marriage at Cana in Galilee and his first miracle

John 2:12 

Then to Capernaum with his family for a few days

John 2:13ff

Then to Jerusalem for the Passover, the Temple cleansing and some signs but limited (V24)

John 3:1ff

Had a night-time discussion with Nicodemus. You must be born again. For God so loved the world…

John 3:22

Jesus and his disciples went to Judea where he spent some time with his disciples and baptised.

John 3:22ff

  John testifies about Jesus.


The greatness of Jesus and his authority: belief in Jesus for eternal life.

He probably stayed in Judea about 6 months; leaving 4 months before harvest (John 4:35).

John 4:1-3.

What rumour did the Pharisees hear? Was the rumour true (see V2 and John 3:22)? 

Why did it bother the Pharisees? (With John now imprisoned but they still had a problem?)

Why didn’t Jesus baptise people? (Such people could be tempted to superiority; risk of divisions cf 1 Corinthians 3:4; Paul was careful too — 1 Cor 1:14-16; he was not simply following John; baptism means repentance, faith and Holy Spirit and new life; not to be confused with ritual washing.)

No miracles or teaching recorded here; what was Jesus doing?

What reason might he have had to leave Judea for Galilee (V3)? (Persecution of him and his new disciples, his time not yet)

John 4:4-6

“The Samaritans, both in blood and religion, were mongrel Jews, the posterity of those colonies which the king of Assyria planted there after the captivity of the ten tribes”

Why go through Samaria? (Short cut! Met the woman at the well.)

Why had to go or must go?

Where did he come to? (Sychar; probably the same as Sichem, or Shechem. Near NW tip of Galilee)

What well? (Joshua 24:32)

John 4:5-19

Alone with the woman.  Where were his disciples (V8)? Is Matthew 10:5 relevant here? 

Some comment that Jesus was impolite and abrupt to the woman - see V7.  Was he?

What sort of person would he have appeared to be the woman?

Jesus surprised the woman by talking to her (V9) and surprised his disciples (V27). Why were they surprised?

Who is surprised when you talk to a stranger and share the gospel? 

What water was Jesus talking about (V10-15)?

Numbers 20:9-11 — a life-giving necessary provision of God

Jeremiah 2:13;17:13 — forsake God, forsake living water, shame  and dust.

1 Corinthians 10:1-4; 12:13 — baptised, ate, drank spiritual food. Baptised, drink one Spirit

John 7:37-39 — the Holy Spirit

Revelation 7:13-17 — for eternal spiritual washing and refreshment

John 1:33; Acts 19:4ff — more than repentance- Holy Spirit fills.

Do you know anyone who has drunk this water?  What’s it like?

How do you get it? (Luke 11:11-13. John 7:37)

How long does it last? (John 4:14. Ephesians 4:30)

How important was it for the woman to be open and honest about herself? Is Jesus as insightful about us? Was there any avoiding the truth? Do we have to be as forthright to get the living water?(John 4:16-19)

V17-18 — Does this account for the woman coming to the well so late in the day, at noon?

Compare her reaction to that of Nicodemas

John 4:20-30

How does this passage illustrate denominational differences, beliefs and worship? (Matthew 15:7-9)

What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? 

Psalm 145:18.  Philippians 3:3

Does Mark 12:30 explain this?

Where should you do this?  Where will you do this?

John 5:25.  Galatians 4:6.  Romans 8:15;26.  Ephesians 6:18. Psalm 145:18. Philippians 3:3

What is the importance of truth in worship?  Where do you get it from? How is it related to emotion?

John 4:22. John 14:6. Colossians 1:5. Romans 12:1. Ephesians 6:12. Romans 10:1-4.  Acts 17:23ff.

Do we need help to worship in spirit?

Romans 8:5-13.

What does John4:25-26 tell us?

Are the right kind of worshippers hard to find (V23)

John 4:39-42

How did the gospel spread in this part of Samaria?

What was the result of the spread of the gospel?

How were more people convinced to believe?

Could it work like that in Bellingen?

John 4:27-38

What food did Jesus have (V32, 34)?

Why didn’t the disciples know about this food? Is it better known now?

Do we live as if “it’s still 4 months to harvest”? How long until harvest?

What is the crop?

Are you a sower or a harvester (V37)? Check your answer against V38.

Who has done the hard work and what work did they do (V38)?

John 4:43-54

Where did he go next?  See also Luke 4:24. (Can you illustrate this?)

Why did the Galileans welcome him to his home country?

What was the second sign that Jesus performed (V54)?

Is V48 still true? See Matthew 16:1-4. 1 Corinthians 1:22

The miracles were the signs that Jesus (Yeshua) had been given glory and power from the Father (YHVH) for the people to know who He was and who had sent Him.

Acts 2:22-24

Did Jesus respond immediately to the request (V47-48)?

Did the nobleman believe Jesus could perform a remote healing (V49)? Do we?

Did the man accept the assurance of V50?  Why should he have done so (V50-52)?

Can or does Jesus give such signs nowadays?

1548 Modified: 23-05-2024
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